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Frequently asked question

Why should I not hire a full-time designer?

You may wonder why it's not ideal to hire a full-time designer. Firstly, the cost of hiring a full-time senior-level designer, including benefits, can exceed $100,000 annually. Additionally, finding available designers with the desired skill set can be challenging. Furthermore, there might not always be enough work to keep a full-time designer occupied, resulting in paying for unutilized time. With our monthly plan, you have the flexibility to pause and resume your subscription as needed, ensuring that you only pay for design work when you have it available.

Is there a maximum number of design requests I can make?

After subscribing, you have the flexibility to add numerous design requests to your queue, and they will be delivered to you sequentially, one at a time.

What is the expected turnaround time for the delivery of my designs?

Most design requests are typically completed within two days or less, on average. However, please note that more intricate or complex requests may require additional time for completion.

Who are the designers?

You might find it surprising, but Fanxy is represented by a team of senior designers who have extensive experience working with top companies like Apple, Amazon, Google, Canon, Sony, and many more. When you collaborate with us, you'll be working directly with these seasoned professionals who bring a wealth of expertise to the table. For certain advanced requests like animations or custom illustrations, we may also engage our partner designers to ensure the highest quality outcomes.

How does the pause feature work?

We understand that you might not always have a constant stream of design work to fill an entire month. There might be times when you only have one or two design requests. That's where the pause feature of your subscription comes into play. Our billing cycles operate on a 30-day period. For example, if you sign up, use our service for 20 days, and then decide to pause your subscription, the billing cycle will be put on hold. You'll have 10 days of service remaining, ready to be utilized whenever you require it in the future.

What programs do you use for design?

Most design requests are created using Figma. We also use Pixelmator for certain design tasks that require advanced image editing capabilities.

How can I request designs?

Fanxy provides flexibility in how you can request designs through Notion. Common methods include direct submission of requests via Notion, sharing Google Docs or wireframes, or even creating a brief Loom video if you prefer a more visual approach to your requests. In essence, if it can be linked or shared within Notion, it's a suitable method for requesting designs.

What if I'm not satisfied with the design?

No need to worry! We are committed to revising the design until it meets your complete satisfaction.

Are there any design areas you don't cover?

Certainly. Fanxy does not handle specific types of design work, such as 3D modeling, animated graphics and GIFs, document design, complex packaging, and extensive print design like magazines or books.

What if I only have a single request?

That's perfectly fine. You can pause your subscription once your request is fulfilled and return when you have additional design needs. You don't need to let any unused portion of your subscription go to waste.

Are there refunds if I'm dissatisfied with the service?

No, we do not offer refunds for our design service. However, we are committed to working closely with you to address any concerns or issues you may have. Our goal is to ensure that you are fully satisfied with the final design outcome.